Zukunft im Turm

„Gespräch im Turm“ with OEBB CEO Andreas Matthä

Discussion series in cooperation with „Die Presse“

16 October 2019


Wiener Städtische Versicherungsverein invited Andreas Matthä, Chairman of the Board of Management of OEBB (Austrian Federal Railways) to the discussion series “Gespräch im Turm”, taking place in the 20th floor of the Ringturm.

“Die Presse” chief editor Rainer Nowak in discussion with OEBB CEO Andreas Matthä.

On the picture from left: ÖBB CEO Andreas Matthä, Chairman of the Managing Board of Wiener Städtische Versicherungsverein Günter Geyer &
On the picture from left: ÖBB CEO Andreas Matthä, Chairman of the Managing Board of Wiener Städtische Versicherungsverein Günter Geyer & "Die Presse" chief editor Rainer Nowak. © Caio Kauffmann

Whatever the political colour of the next transport minister, OEBB CEO Matthä doesn’t care, the main thing is that he supports the railway just as his employees do. Matthä talked also about global warming, the expansion of the night train business, the stimulating competition with the “Westbahn” and the OEBB as a future employer for 10,000e on the 20th floor of the Ringturm. www.diepresse.com (German only)

‘Gespräch im Turm’ is a series of discussions which is based on the cooperation between the newspaper ‘Die Presse’ and the Wiener Städtische Versicherungsverein, the main shareholder of the Vienna Insurance Group (VIG). It takes place at the Ringturm on a regular basis.