Wiener Städtische Versicherungsverein invited Rudolf Anschober (Austrian Federal Minister for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Policy) to the discussion series “Gespräch im Turm”, taking place in the 20th floor of the Ringturm.
“Die Presse” chief editor Rainer Nowak in discussion with Austrian Federal Minister Rudolf Anschober.

The corona pandemic was the predominant topic of the first virtual “Gespräch im Turm” with Austrian Federal Minister Rudolf Anschober. In the political talk, which was broadcasted via livestream for the first time without any audience, Anschober talked about the disputed corona traffic light system, the corona app and the forthcoming elections in Vienna. Read the report on the exciting discussion at (in German only).
The discussion series “Gespräch im Turm” is a cooperation between Wiener Städtische Versicherungsverein, the main shareholder of Vienna Insurance Group (VIG), and the daily newspaper “Die Presse” at the Wiener Ringturm.
Watch the discussion in full length again: