Zukunft im Turm

How much brains, emotion and education do we need?

Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther

4 November 2015


Educational reform in Austria? This has been on the agenda for years, but what should potential reforms look like? And what are they supposed to achieve?

These and other education policy questions, as well as the significance of emotional reactions in learning processes, were the focus of a discussion at the beginning of November. Professor Gerald Hüther, one of Germany’s best-known education experts, shared his insights.

"Zukunft im Turm": How much brains, emotion and education do we need? with Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther. © Wiener Städtische Wechselseitiger Versicherungsverein/APA-Fotoservice/Tanzer

Hüther is a bestselling author, neurobiologist and “bridge builder” between academic research and individual lifestyles.

“Lifelong learning is a problem for people, but not for the brain.”