Ringturm Wrapping

Don Giovanni

Christian Ludwig Attersee

Sommer 2006


The very first covering of the Ringturm in 2006 formed part of the Mozart anniversary year celebrations. In late summer, the landmark building was covered on two sides with Don Giovanni by Christian Ludwig Attersee. It was to become the prelude to a whole series of installations that would turn the international spotlight on the Ringturm.

Ringturm Wrapping 2006: „Don Giovanni“ by Christian Ludwig Attersee © Wiener Städtische/Ernst Greindl
Ringturm Wrapping 2006: „Don Giovanni“ by Christian Ludwig Attersee © Wiener Städtische/Ernst Greindl

“This is Wiener Städtische’s special gift to the Viennese people in the Mozart anniversary year,” said Wiener Städtische CEO Günter Geyer of the specially themed project. “I’m delighted that we’ve managed to see this idea through to fruition with Christian Ludwig Attersee and his students, and transform the Ringturm into the Don Giovanni building for six weeks. We are creating a high-profile symbol this Mozart anniversary year.”